Well, considering that my New Media skills are mostly based on my ears and hearing i decided it fitting to cut out all sound for the 2 hour block. I often use sound to judge the world around me. I always have and most likely always will so i put in some ear plugs that are used to target practice or hunting or whatever and set out to find out what would or could be different! first i went for a walk. and sense alot of the time i walk and my mind races and i feel like i dont pay attention to my sight as much as my ears(say walking on campus hearing how close someone is behind me by how much louder their foot steps are getting or hearing cars drive by). I found myself having to pay much more attention to what i was doing. I also found it odd to not be able to hear the birds singing, which is something i love to hear. upon returning home I went on with the two hours by washing the dishes. I find it very odd to see the water running but not hear it. you notice things like how scummy the faucet really is or how much steam rises off the hot water in the sink. It was strange to say the least, I found myself thinking a lot more and having to use my brain and sight. but it really seemed like my brain was working way more to compensate for not having my hearing which i rely so heavily on at all times. kind of humbling.
A new sense!
Well being an audio buff I would love to be able to see what i hear! or at least have a visual representation of what was going on with the sound. It could and would make my life a lot better. I imagine hearing a snare drum and being able to see the sound and tweak the drums dynamics by way of tuning it or adding compression so that the sound was looked exactly the way i wanted it to look which would in turn sound exactly the way i wanted it to sound. It would sort of be like a sonar but i would get a visual snapshot of the sounds frequency and timbre. -Bradley E. Moore
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