Sunday, May 31, 2009

What if round robbin

What if humans used 100% of their brain power?
-We would have already conquered space and all the shit that needs to be done. and then we would probably be really bored and start wars with neighboring planets that were different than us.

What if evil did not exist?
-well then some people would still say other people were still evil just because they didn't like them, and kill them thus becoming evil themselves.

What if men had menstrual cycles?
-The world would really be in trouble. I mean my GF should be in a looney bin for one week a month but men would most likely go into blind rage and the word would be a worse place. And probably a lot more nuking going on.

What if the guy always got the girl?
-Then what ever the would they make movies about?    

What if the world was black and white?-
-It would be a crazy boring place. I couldn't even imagine -Bradley

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

response to class 4

Class was pretty alright tonight. I mean that in a good way. Its nice to come to class and it not feel like class. It seems to be a reoccurring theme that we talk about a subject that leads into something totally different but still as exciting and informative. The videos we watched tonight were way cool. The dudes that did the music w/ only their voices were pretty awesome! It had me thinking the whole time how did they come up with that idea for the song? How did they form a group like this? Did they start a traditional band and it evolved into what we heard or what? I think that questions are another one of  the "mother(s) of invention". I mean when I am working with a band or artist I often ask "why does that sound that way?" or "what can I do to make that instrument sound more in your face?" or even "what is missing, and what could I do to make this track more of an interesting piece of music?" so, I guess I'm saying that this class really makes me question things and dig a little deeper! I now understand why the seeing sideways class is recommended and why Beth's class is so requested. I feel that maybe if the New Media program took just a tiny bit of turn towards this philosophy of teaching that the level and quality of work might just improve. But then again some people just can't handle a class that doesn't have rigid boundaries which I feel is a sad thing indeed. -Bradley E. Moore


Door- When thinking about what a door is a lot comes to mind. Like, it keeps people out or lets people in(depending on how you feel about the person). The man is supposed to carry his bride across the threshold in a sign of good fortune. but also doors can be seen as an entry way. The band The Door got their name from the a book or poem that  said the eyes are the doorways to the soul. so, doors can be very symbolic! I mean I guess everything can symbolic but, imagine if I gave you a piece of paper with nothing on it except a door! what comes to mind? For me an image of my parents coming to pick me up from my band sitter is the first thing that popped into my head, an overall good thing. but say your house was broken into and some traumatic experience ensued then, a picture of a door might bring up very bad memories or thoughts that you have not thought about since the incident. So a door is an odd thing. Good or bad! Im glad i have a door on my house that locks. Its not that i don't trust other people because I generally do but it only takes one person to ruin a good thing if you  know what I mean. -Bradley E. Moore

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Response to class 3

I feel like a prisoner of my own home. I haven't left the couch in 3 days besides to go to the med check.  I kinda feel like im going crazy. SERIOUSLY! These fucking antibiotics arent  even  coming close to working and Ive had to use all of my bill paying money to go see a pointless Dr. and listen to him tell me what I already know! I never thought i would get tired of laying in bed all day. But, I have, and trying to come up with 50 what ifs while your head feels like a pumpkin isnt that cool. My head feels like took 4 hits of white blotter a few days ago. Ya know the feeling where nothing seems right and everything feels like deja vu? erf -Bradley E. Moore

Questioning structure

1 What if there were no rules of engagement?
2 What if there was no structure in the brain?
3 What if there weren't any social barriers?
4 What if we weren't able to hate?
5 What if we weren't able to love?
6 What if humans all had the same belief system?
7 What if structure wasn't a concept of human thinking?
8What if size wasn't an issue with in the animal kingdom?
9What if there weren't any rules for how we are supposed to live?
10 What if there aren't any rules for how humans are formed?
11 what are the main goals of rules?
12 why is structure involved in everything that we do?
13 why is structure so important to some more than others?
14 What do children supposedly need rules and boundaries?
15 why following rules lead some to great success and some to total failure?
16 what if we followed no rules when designing cars?
17 what if we followed more strict rules when designing cars?
18 why does structure occur naturally in spiders webs?
19 why is structure a learned skill for some things but a instinct skill for others?
20 why are rules said that they are there to be broken?
21 What if art only had structure?
22 what if there were no structure in art?
23 what causes us to follow rules?
24 what causes us to stick to structure?
25 what is geometry wasn't involved in structure?
26 what if there were no rules known or unknown in geometry?
27 why do some follow rules and some don't?
28 what makes a rule right?
29 why does structure involve following rules?
30 why do we like music that has structure?
31 what makes structure the same for a building and music?
32 what is the definition of a rule?
33 what makes structure and rules similar?
34  What if computers all had different structure?
35 what is they broke all the rules when designing the next generation of computing machines?
36 what if that changed our lives?
37 what if that caused computers to be a able to think for themselves?
38 what if style didn't have an opinion on the rules that governed building structure?
39 what if that would cause us to find new forms of energy conservation?
40 what if there were new strict rules that had to be followed in building code?
41 what if that saved energy?
42 what if all rules were thrown out when considering the building of solar cells?
43 what if the man made structures physical or mental were broken down between the world?
44 would that make a difference of would we all kill each other?
45 what if we all followed rules on how to care for world we live in?
46 What if big businesses were held accountable for the rules that they broke?
47 what if computers could change their structure for computing by way of software that acted like hardware, making no limits for computational work?
48 What if that lead us to figuring out what everything is all about?
49 what if all this structure is god or a god?
50 why does structure govern everything around us?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Response to class 2

I wasn't at class tonight. I've been suffering from the flu. If i'm not feeling any better at all tmrw I'm going to go to the DR. office and try to get some Tamiflu. I really wish i could have been in class to hear the egg stories but, I'm going to try to read some of the blogs. -Bradley


Well as I said in in my last post I thought that i wanted to do some crazy media presentation with the egg. As a New Media student I tend to focus a lot on technology. But, when i saw the egg and the dirt that was still on it I could only think was that I didn't want to waste the egg. So, with that I started to think about the best way to use the egg. At first I thought i would just eat it but came to the conclusion that it could be going bad and I was starting to already get a cold so I decided not to go there. Finally I decided that i would cook the egg and give it to the raccoons that my grandfather feeds in his backyard. I also decided that i would put the egg shell into my compost bin for my garden. 
Needless to say my grandfather didn't understand what i was doing and thought i was crazy. But, he's the one who feeds the raccoons in the first place. I went to their place(my grandparents) and fried the egg and mixed it in with the scraps of food they keep for the nightly feeding. I then took my egg shell home and broke it up into smaller pieces and mixed it into my compost tumbler. 
Usually I would have made a video or something of the nature for this project but, for some reason when I saw the egg and it gave me weird feeling. I didn't just want to ruin the egg for the sake of a grade or a project. I wanted to do something that at least might give back. Maybe my tomatoes might be more red this year from adding the egg shell to my compost. Or maybe the baby raccoon in the belly of his mother might have gotten some better nutrition and as a result might be stronger and better suited to survive. -Bradley E. Moore

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

may 13 th 1st class session!

Well I dropped all conceived notions about what i thought i was going to get from this class! When talking to other students who had already taken the course I made a grouse assumption on what was going to happen!!! Well I was wrong. I did hear about the egg assignment and I had already started to think of the coolest ways that i could use technology to make an awesome presentation whether it be audio, video, or flash. But, now after meeting w/ Beth the I know that a "show off tech. project" isn't what this is all about! Its about being outside the box and outside of your comfort zone.